Personalized diagnosis and therapy of cancer in our knowledge society
and the UN, WHO and UNHCR - Dr. Nabil DEEB
We are doctors and medical researchers worldwide are working and researching medical science with advanced technology methods for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases .
Unfortunately, we find that many war-damaged cancer patients Palestinian children can not and will not be treated .
I would add, personalized diagnosis and therapy of cancer in our knowledge society .
Personalized cancer therapy in the knowledge society : -
The proteome is the set of proteins that are found in a biological system at any given time. In a single cell can have more than 100,000 different proteins exist in very different quantities. While the genome, so the meaning specified in the DNA genetic information for life remains the same, the proteome is again the current state of a biological system. On this rests the hope of proteomics to improve the search for changes in protein composition, for example, before and after administration of a drug, the chances of medical treatment. Biomarkers are molecules of certain characteristic patterns that indicate specific biological processes. They can provide information as to whether a patient responds to treatment .
Molecular causes of cancer. Random mutations in any cell in the body lead to increased growth signals, repair or protective systems are turned off. Only when meet more of these genetic changes unfavorably, causes cancer. Since there are many possible combinations of immense, which can lead to a similar result, every tumor is unique. In addition, the inherited genetic basic configuration of the patient also plays a role. It therefore seems logical to first analyze molecular cancers to treat it and then individually .
In personalized medicine knowledge from molecular biology, diagnostics and therapy are combined. This so-called biomarkers are identified by groups of patients who respond to a particular therapy, where she remains without success, or are likely to have severe side effects. As examples of the personalized medicine new treatments for cancer, AIDS, and were called rheumatism .
Basically, the search for biomarkers discovered recently by the use of so-called high-throughput substantially. Depending on the molecular targets may be the search for disease-specific biomarkers in molecular weight following levels:
• the genome (search for genetic polymorphisms, SNPs) .
• the transcriptome (the totality of all at some point in a cell or tissue produced messenger RNA molecules) .
• the proteome (the totality of all at some point in a cell or tissue synthesized proteins) .
Even if you are identified by this strategy potentially single molecules as biomarkers so, experience shows that are just for multifactorial diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or cancer only certain patterns of several pathological molecules capable of clinically similar diseases at the molecular level . differ Therefore, we also speak of so-called biomarker profiling .
Damage to the DNA sequence of cause for new knowledge, only about half of all cancers. Understood and much worse - - Just as important are the epigenetic causes of cancer in which the control of the genetic material is permanently disrupted .
Chromosomes consist of DNA in addition to about fifty percent from proteins. These proteins are DNA-packaging materials, specifically control the activation and deactivation of genes and allow them to take the approximately 100 trillion cells of humans, their specific forms and functions, although these cells contain one and the same DNA sequence .
Like most complex systems is also the regulation of gene activity by the protein packaging of DNA prone to error. Although most damage will be repaired successfully, but sometimes gets the gene regulation of a cell finally turned out of control and the cell into a cancer cell. Such changes in the genome are equally important for the development of cancer, such as the well-known DNA mutations, although the DNA sequence itself is not damaged thereby. For distinguishing one speaks of epigenetic modifications, in contrast to genetic alterations, in which the DNA sequence is changed .
The fundamental achievements of modern genome research, technological advances in the field of molecular biology and biochemistry, improved diagnostic methods and new technologies enable the development of drugs against cancer cells, the development of customized and personalized cancer treatment. The decisive factor is the discovery of molecular 'switching errors' in cancer cells that can be detected by appropriate diagnostic procedures and corrected by drugs with molecularly targeted effect .
Large international studies have confirmed the success of personalized therapy approaches in cancer therapy. Were able to increase significantly with customized, personalized cancer therapy, the therapeutic response and survival of cancer patients in patients with lymphoma, myeloma, breast, prostate or colon cancer in recent years. These successes have been led to broad application of this novel cancer therapeutics .
The Cancer Epigenetics deals with molecular changes that lead to a permanent disorder of gene regulation in the same DNA sequence intact. In particular, these are changes in the proteins that package the DNA and organize. From a better understanding of these mechanisms is hoped that new opportunities for cancer screening, cancer diagnosis and treatment of cancer .
The development of molecularly targeted cancer therapeutics safe opened many cancer patients the chance of a better effective treatments with fewer side effects compared to conventional chemotherapy and better survival. These modern cancer drugs are immune substances (antibodies) . The use of these drugs is in accordance with specific biological characteristics of cancer and usually requires a costly cancer diagnosis and a lot of experience on the part of treating cancer specialists in dealing with these drugs .
Personalized therapy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and breast cancer in our knowledge society .
Personnalisé traitement pour le cancer du à petites cellules non poumon (CBNPC) et le cancer dans notre société Want to be de la connaissance .
Literature: -
1. Nabil DEEB, Personalized therapy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and breast cancer in our knowledge society! , Germany Bonn, PMI Registered Doctors'Association , 53 140 Bonn / GERMANY. 29/09/2010 .
2. The Rest of the literature with the author Dr. Nabil DEEB .
Sincerely Yours fraternally
Nabil Deeb
Doctor - Physician – Doctor
PMI Medical Association e.V.
Palestine Medico International Medical Society - (PMI) e.V.
Department of Medical Research
Département de la recherche médicale
P.O. Box 20 10 53
53 140 Bonn - Bad Godesberg / GERMANY
e.mail: doctor.nabil.deeb.pmi.germany @ googlemail.com
e.mail: doctor.nabilabdulkadirdeeb@ googlemail.com
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