An urgent appeal from Palestinian Yasser Jada'an Aljayab from tongbina prison in Indonesia

بواسطة قراءة 5483
An urgent appeal from Palestinian Yasser Jada'an Aljayab from tongbina prison in Indonesia
An urgent appeal from Palestinian Yasser Jada'an Aljayab from tongbina prison in Indonesia

An urgent appeal from Palestinian Yasser Jada'an Aljayab from tongbina prison in  Indonesia to end his suffering


 I appeal to the Indonesian Government and legal associations and organizations ,

To the charitable and humanitarian .

To the United Nations ,

To the the Palestinian Embassy in Indonesia,,

 to release me and three other Palestinian detainees from the Gaza Strip.

We were detained in a prison outside the capital Jakarta (Tongbina) since more than six months.

With appeal to conscience people around the world to end our suffering especially we are now living a very difficult psychological conditions in the prison.

I also appeal to the Palestinian Embassy in Jakarta to issue an palestinian passport for me ,but they refused and tell me that the only solution going to Yemen.

I also like to remind his Excellency Ambassador who cut himself pledge when he delivered me to the Indonesian authorities to release me from prison , but I am still so far inside the prison and our very difficult .


Yasser Selim aljayab

Tongbina prison



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